Some Aspects of the Reception the Reality Show Programmes in Pedagogic Reflection

  • Krzysztof Łuszczek Catholic University of Lublin, PhD student
Keywords: medial pedagogy; mass media; television; reality show; mass culture


Media pedagogy is a discipline of pedagogy that stems from the need to reflect on the development of the contemporary media. Television still occupies a dominating position among them and has the greatest social influence. It also poses complex educational difficulties. The reasons for this are often such programmes as reality show. Young people eagerly watch them and they have found a permanent place in the educational area. Such programmes have brought about a number of ethical, psychological, and educational doubts. The reality show programmes contribute to the destruction of many socially essential values. The television medium is still developing and some negative tendencies are clearly manifested. Pedagogy initiates dialogue with the new educational partner. It cannot limit itself merely to criticism, but seeks to understand the language of modern television. This will allow to provide effective education and formation which seem indispensable today for the development of media culture of the young generation.
