The Socio-Pedagogic Mechanisms that Condition the Strengthening of Group Identity

  • Franciszka Wanda Wawro Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: group; maturation; significance; stabilization; identity; resistance; endurance; balance


The paper shows a sociological analysis of the factors that condition the strengthening of group identity. The analyses refer in particular to small primary groups whose identity and permanence may be strengthened by taking advantage of its own inner attributes, such as: dynamism in the realization of values and group tasks (stimulated by an appropriate climate in the group), the position of the leader and his authority (determined, above all, by his positive efforts), and moral balance defined by definite positive variables.

The paper clearly distances itself from both the detailed issues of the problem of identity and the analyses of the broader contexts conditioning the function of primary groups and their permanence, such that support or threat their existence. The main purpose of the selected analyses is a possibility to apply them in pedagogy by emphasizing the conditions how those who are interested in the strengthening of identity among subjects may accomplish full cooperation and integration - the group as a whole and its members.
