Two Faces of School Loneliness of the Student

  • Krystyna Chałas Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: school loneliness; educational success; school subjects


Loneliness is a common phenomenon. It is experienced by old people, abandoned by their close relatives, children, the youth, and by those who have succeeded and gained fame.

There is a relationship between loneliness and educational accomplishments. Taken in its negative sense, it is understood as an individual, psychosocial experience of the subjects of school, resulting from the awareness of break, loss or threat to emotional contacts of the interpersonal or intrapersonal character. At the basis there is the process of realizing the basic functions of school and their respective requirements.

From the positive point of view, I define school loneliness as an individual, psychosocial experience of the individual that results from the break of interpersonal contacts or their limited character in order to participate fully in the realization of the basic functions of school.

The principal research problem is contained in the question: what is the image of school loneliness like? The analysis of empirical research points that 27.4% of the subjects experience loneliness. Both students with poor results and those who do very well experience it. The sense of loneliness at lessons concerns 41.5% of the subjects. They understand properly final loneliness and appreciate its role in their school life.
