The Value of Work in the Life of the Homeless

  • Renata Babiarz
Keywords: value of work; teaching of the Church; the unemployed; the homeless


The paper shows a theoretical reflection and empirical research of the value of work, as it is perceived in the teaching of the Church, but also shows the attitude adopted by the people who are unemployed. According to the basic assumptions of the doctrine of the Church, the subject-related character of work has been stressed here. It is man who is its creator and addressee, therefore its value is not merely limited to ensure living conditions. At the same time, the manner of „defining” the value of work is subjectively characterized, in respect of social circumstances and the personal situation of those who are to assess and approve of work.

The paper describes the social circumstances of the unemployed, as well as the causes of this unemployment in the socio-political breakthrough in Poland. On the basis of trial research among the unemployed and homeless men from the Brother Albert Hospice for the Homeless in Lublin, the situation of those people has been analyzed. Among other things, not only the very manner of assessment of work has been analyzed, but also the circumstances under which the respondents lost it, the actual motives why they search for a job, and what obstacles they have in doing it. It follows from the research that the causes of the present situation of the people under study are not only the social conditions that are the reasons why they are unemployed. We have to take into consideration their personalities; they are often passive and adopt a pessimistic attitude towards reality and their own chances. The author draws pedagogic conclusions concerning the aid to the unemployed and homeless (for these two situations are most often consequently linked).


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