Formation to Valuing in the Context of Pluralism
The reflection on the theme of formation to valuing in the context of pluralism entails several important areas of analysis. First of all, the social and cultural dimension of the process of formation has been stressed. This implies both a necessity to properly choose values in formation and to take into account social consequences of the strategies how to teach them.
The concepts of formation and values have been explained here, and particular principles according to which select values in the process of formation have been described.
The formative situation under the conditions of the pluralism of values has been characterized in particular detail, including requirements and approved valuing attitudes in this context. A complex context of pluralism calls for adequate strategies of formation to valuing, among which we find: strategy of dissonance, strategy of testimony and strategy of stimulation. The strategies under consideration are directed towards a desirable formative effect, such as: greater sensitivity of the disciple to values, a coherent order of the selected values, coherence between the selected system of values and the realized attitude.
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