The Changes in Pedagogy Students’ Opinions as Regards Pedagogical Work

  • Małgorzata Wolak


Education is one of the most important and the broadest areas of social life. The teacher is the principal element of education. His identification with his profession is a socially and morally expedient phenomenon, for it affects the way he works and helps him adopt a proper attitude to his surrounding.

Research has been conducted on the opinion held by extramural students of pedagogy. Two groups have been distinguished among the respondents: those who work in education and those who do not work there.

Generally speaking, pedagogy students are positive about pedagogical work. They emphasize high social requirements about this job, they assess it as responsible, demanding commitment, social useful and purposeful. At the same time, they point that from the material point of view it is disadvantageous and stressful. Educators are more critical than those who do not work in education about the material aspect connected with pedagogical work. They think that this job is more creative and fascinating, whereas those who do not work in education hold different opinions. Moreover, educators stress, unlike those who do not work in education, that the level of difficulties and requirements is much higher. However, they define this job as more pleasant.

The findings of the research repeated three years later, with all the transformations in education that we have witnessed, among the same students before graduation, are similar. The differences in the manners educators and non-educators perceive this job are smaller than it was in the first part of the research. Educators, however, stress the importance of requirements as regards pedagogical work and the high degree of difficulties. Now the non-educators the purposefulness and social utility of pedagogical work is the most essential feature of pedagogical work. Those who work in education do not hesitate to point to neglect in the material sphere and this opinion is shared by the non-educators.

The interesting part of the research show the opinions about an ideal job. The students would like their job to be purposeful, satisfactory, social useful, fascinating, pleasant, easy, andalso responsible and creative. The contradictory opinions about the real and ideal images can be found especially as regards material profits. The respondents would like their job to provide financial security. Pedagogy students say that it is stressful, which makes it difficult to perform it. They want it to be easier and the requirements should be lower. As regards their wishful thinking, they want this job to bring them personal satisfaction and pleasure.

The opinions pedagogy students hold about a pedagogical job and an ideal job as well asthe changes of their perception should make us reflect and postulate some reformatory measures in education.


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