Stress and Satisfaction in a Teacher’s Job

  • Stanisława Tucholska


The paper discusses the research on the level of stress and professional satisfaction in teachers. 747 working teachers from primary schools have been examined (611 women and 136men). The studies were conducted with the use of the Questionnaire of Teacher's Stress constructed by the author.

The findings point that for ca. 23% of teachers their job is stressful or very stressful, for 63% is stressful on average, and 13% of teachers do not feel like being under stress at all. The majority of teachers under study (63%) decidedly like their job and feel satisfaction (57%). Among the subjects, however, there are such teachers who do not like their job (9%) and do not feel satisfied (13%). As regards salaries, the teachers' opinion is very negative: 81% think that financial gratification is too low, and only 19% say that it is satisfactory.


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