The Influence of Philosophy on the Catholic Social Doctrine in Marxist Explication

  • Tadeusz Władysław Bąk


The paper analyzes the enunciations of some proponents of Polish Marxism who perceive the sources of the social doctrine of the Church in the official teaching of the Church, in Catholic philosophy and the theology of „worldly realities”. Marxists, having no good knowledge of Christian philosophy, blame it for its reception of some theological elements, lack of scientific objectivism, socio-political conservatism, ideologization and the like. Advocates of Marxism exaggerate when they divide Catholic philosophers into „realists” and „conservatists”. In principle they evaluate Thomism negatively as an „outdated philosophy” which serves Church’s „integrism”. Initially, Polish Marxism took a negative standpoint towards the Christian thought; later, though, it made efforts to hold dialogue with it, accordingly it was more objective in reading out Catholic philosophers’ statements. The basis of the social teaching of the Church is Personalism, a philosophy that is an indispensable basis of social solidarism. Christian Personalism was not properly understood by Marxists, that is why they took such a critical stance towards the Catholic social doctrine.
