„Intelligence of Life” - The New Hope of Modern Society

  • Leon Dyczewski


Modern society advocates technical-economic-managerial intelligence. It is professionally educated, operative and exploits the development of natural sciences and technique. The technical and economic development in some countries stands in contrast with underdevelopment in some other poor countries and social groups, and in contrast with spiritual-moral regress in the considerable circles of contemporary mankind. This regress is manifested by approval of abortion, euthanasia, social injustice, and misery of many people. Accordingly, it is indispensable to promote the spiritual-moral sphere of man, ethics, higher (non-material) values. Recently a rank-and-file social movement has appeared on behalf of moral revival of mankind, on behalf of the link between freedom and responsibility, social solidarism on the worldwide level and renunciation of uncritical consumerism. That movement is initiated by social groups which can be called „intelligence of life”. Either type of intelligence are necessary for a harmonious development of mankind: technical-economic intelligence cares for material conditions of people’s lives, whereas intelligence of life warns against instrumentalness of the human person, and is seeking a more profound sense of life (referring, among other things, to the Gospel).
