Personality Correlates Versus the Attitude Towards the Three Dimensions of Time
The paper is a report on the research whose purpose was to empirically assert a correlation between an adequate attitude towards time and a high level of personality correlates which condition optimal functioning. The research problem reads as follows: whether and in what way the attitude towards time is linked with such dimensions of personality as neuroticism, extroversy, openness to experience, conformity and task-mindedness, which are connected with a positive functioning of the individual. A theoretical analysis of the bases of these attitudes permitted me to formulate a hypothesis which says that an adequate attitude towards time is linked with an intensification of those personality traits which are related to the positive functioning of the individual. This adequate attitude is expressed by the preference of the present time and immediate future, and is in opposition to the preference of the future.
In order to verify the above hypothesis I have done survey research on the group of 128 female students (aged 20-22) from he first and third year of pedagogy and the third year of psychology of the Catholic University of Lublin. In order to study the attitudes towards time I made use of the Tc Scale from E. L. Shostrom’s Questionnaire of Self-actualization (POI). Whereas for the study of personality correlates I used NEO-PI Personality Inventory by P. T. Costy and R. R. Crae.
The findings allowed me to formulate the following conclusions:
1. The persons with a low temporal adequacy differ considerably from the persons with a high temporal adequacy as regards the majority of the traits which condition self-actualization (self-respect, inner self-control, the value of the self-actualizing persons, self-acceptance, ability to keep close contact with others, spontaneity and personal flexibility).
2. The persons with a high temporal adequacy reach a considerably higher level of intensification of such personality dimensions (influencing in turn a positive functioning) as: lack of neuroticism, conformity or cordiality and sociability than the persons with a low temporal adequacy.
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