Kazimierz Studentowicz − an Outstanding Leader, Political Prisoner and Theoretician of the Christian-Social Movement in Poland

  • Tadeusz Przeciszewski


Studentowicz started first as a distinct economist − by gaining two doctoral degrees in economic sciences: first in 1926 at the Yagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland) and later in 1928 at Columbia University in New York. As early as the end of the interwar period he became one of the leading Polish theoreticians in the economic sciences by publishing in 1937 an important monography on the „Economic Policy of the State”.

He developed there a programmed state interventionism concept, taking into account also some marginal volume of the public sector existence.

Developing later some important principles of this concept, he actualized the old Saint Aquinas Thomas theory on the Christian ownership ethics. K. Studentowicz stressed a necessity of the property class surplus incomes socialization. Surplus incomes − this means incomes, surpassing their own work contribution and their social class status requirements (i.e. their social class environment standard of living level).

During the German War occupation K. Studentowicz was one of the underground Unia Organisation leaders; after its unification with the Polish Labour Party − also of this last one. Within its activity he contributed mainly to its new economic programme from 1944 and 1945.

Studentowicz was arrested − by the then totalitarian Marxist rulers − in July 1948 and condemned next for 15 Years prison (that he left, after almost 8 Years, as late as May 1956).

His main contribution − to the Polish Christian-social movement, represented by our Labour Party − cousistsin in a second stage of the moderate left wing option within this Party. Its first stage was connected with the programme foundations of the NPR (NWP − National Workers Party), when the second one − just with Professor Studentowicz ideas and proposals.
