The Basic Instructions of the Church's Social Teaching from Rerum novarum to Sollicitudo rei socialis
The author writes that the Church's social teaching is not one of the social theories but part of the whole Christian teaching as to social matters whose basis is natural and revealed law and this decides about the priority of morality. Catholic social teaching has the personalistic character because it approves of human person as the central value which is the subject of morality rights, social, cultural and economical activity as well as the purpose of those activities. It is also important that human person's rights correspond to appropriate duties.
Leon XIII emphasized that the socio-economical order should be based on property and labour. The instruction on the role of the state is very clearcut. The activity of the state should be based on the principle of auxiliariness and common good. John Paul II points at the priority of labour over capital. All popes pinpoint the role of trade unions which should be self-contained and independent of political parties or the state. Paul VI brings to our notice the rise of a social question which has a world-wide dimension. He pinpoints that this question can be solved by means a solidary cooperation of all nations by giving financial aid to the poor countries (assigning 1% of national revenue of the developed countries), basing the international exchange on the principle of justice, clearing of the poor countries' debts. There are many papal instructions which concern the way how to keep peace; it should be based on the principle of truth, justice, love, freedom and development − „the development which is a new name of peace” (Paul VI), solidarity − „peace as the fruit of solidarity” (John Paul II).
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