The Human Being at the Brinks of the Passage of Time

  • Adam Rodziński


The author takes as a genuine and true value only that which really suits us in some respect, and not that which is our or somebody else’s illusion. He emphasizes that every being turns out to be axiologically manifold. The human person is a value in himself and invariably remains as such. According to the author the natural dignity of the human being has been upgraded by the Redemption of Christ. A Christian should feel it his duty to confirm his status of „being a person” which was bestowed on him in God’s creative act. He should respect this dignity which makes him an heir to Redemption.

In our times there are various dangers on the way of personal culture, the dangers of our consciousness being filled up by trifle things or illusory „values”. They do not enrich man’s personality. Yet there are those still whose realization enriches the human being but only in an incidental and transitory manner. They constitute an episode in one’s life as a train of experience. A train of experiencing whatever is not yet a full human life. The latter expresses itself in its affirmation of the other person as a person, on the account of the fact that he or she is a person and has his or her own dignity. If such a gift of oneself is a sincere and genuine one, then it enriches the giver himself as an unquestionable right, a title to a common interpersonal esteem. Such a gift expresses the truth about love which makes the most precious meaning of life and death.
