Three Spheres of Civilization in the Light of the Church’s Social Teaching
The author accepts the classical definition of E. B. Taylor who regards civilization and culture as synonymous concepts and defines them as the totality of science, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and other skills and fashions achieved by man in social life. The author thinks it right to include morality within civilization and culture. He uses the term „spheres of civilization” in its geographical and historical meaning. However, in his considerations he lays emphasis rather on the theoretical or even postulative character than fulfilled in a historical manner and accomplished by a country.
His proposal for the Church’s social teaching consists in its tendency towards shaping three spheres of civilization as a postulate of changes in the contemporary world. These spheres are the following: 1) civilization of respect for material creature, cosmos, and more precisely, laws established by the Creator; 2) civilization of peace; 3) civilization of solidarity. These postulates are put forward very clearly by Paul VI and John Paul II, anyway.
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