A Master
The author calls Prof. Strzeszewski (after whom he took over the Chair of Social and Economic Ethics) a master. Being a master Prof. Strzeszewski has many attributes such as: a harmony of scientific interests, convictions and attitudes, religious faith, subtle and firm attachment to the Church as well as his service to social Catholicism. A single-mindedly Christian attitude in life and science gave Prof. Strzeszewski’s activity a trait of firmness. He has been for many years a living symbol of the authenticity of the Catholic social teaching in Poland. He was appreciated by the Primate S. Wyszyn´ ski. Prof. Strzeszewski can be compared only with the Great Primate Wyszyn´ ski and, on a world scale, with such figures as: O. von Nell-Breuning, J. Messner, Card. J. Hoffner, A. F. Utz.
There is yet another trait of a genuine Master: friend, faithful and loyal in friendship. He was on first names with all his assistants.
The first chairman, historically speaking, of the Episcopate Commission „Iustitia et Pax” was not a bishop but Cz. Strzeszewski, which is an exceptional thing on a world scale. Card. B. Kominek commented on this fact as follows: „Fr. Primate ranked Prof. Strzeszewski as a bishop”. Is Strzeszewski conservative or progressive − this is, actually, an aimless question. Strzeszewski as a rule went that far as the social teaching of the Church. Thus he has always been up-to-date.
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