Some Personality Features of Women and Their Situation at Home
The aim of the present paper is to compare some personality features of women who find themselves in different home situations. 304 women of 30 years of age, secondary education, living in towns and different in their home situations were tested. They were divided into four groups {76 women in each) which included: lay unmarried women, nuns, married women who were satisfied with their wedlocks and married women who were not satisfied with their wedlocks. In the study Cattell’s 16-factor-personality questionaire was used.
The results, if compared, show that with relation to personality features lay unmarried women are similar to the women married but unsatisfied with their wedlocks and that nuns are similar to satisfied married women. No differences in typological features of the groups under investigation were found, however, satisfied married women and nuns were characterized by greater ease in coming into contact with other people, smaller aggressiveness and domination but greater responsibility and scrupulosity. Unmarried lay women and women who were unsatisfied with their wedlocks had higher emotional tension, showed a tendency to domination, self-accusation, anxiety and smaller self-observation.
The results obtained for the group of lay unmarried women place this group between the results obtained for satisfied married women and unsatisfied married women. This may suggest that this group of women should not be treated jointly but rather in separation into the subgroup of single women who accept their situation and those who do not. This problem constitutes the aim of further study.
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