Alternatives in culture

  • Adam Rodziński


In every kind of cultural formation there exists a certain consistence in the observation of forms and standards. The behaviour of individuals and social groups is influenced by them and the values resulting from the adopted standards determine the general line of life and equally importantly, the quality of life.

The author analyses such general possibilities in life, to a degree antagonistically directed, taking as an example the antinomy between ’’comfort” and ’’adventure”. He concludes that both ’’the man of comfort” as well as „the man of adventure” are much too one-sided, treating their own and other people’s existence in a purely emotional way. Spiritual values, which do not necessarily evoke emotions, are more important for human culture and only they can ensure the man authentic and stable inner integration and in consequence a sense of purpose in life (both individual and common) in a world conceived of as a continually developing pluralistic unity.
