What it means „to Humanize” the Culture?

  • Adam Rodziński


Who is man actually and in essence? To this question differently answer the various personality dominants and world outlooks, expressing themselves, in truth, in different life styles and thus revealing the complex multifariousness of human existence, and yet, on the whole, taking into account the autotelic, non-instrumental, unlosable and common to all individuals value — identical since non-produced — perhaps best describable as a personal (supraparticular) human dignity.

On this how far that value, within various thinking and acting systems, will be appreciated and affirmated, namely in such or other type of internal and environmental culture, will depend the future of the humanism idea, and even its full and adequate understanding, leading towards mutual respect, tolerance, and common assent to the right of differing in opinions and actions based on this exactly unlosable and immovable fundament, which is human dignity. Neither under the sign-board “homo faber” nor „homo ludens” there is a rescue for mankind: the productivistic and psychodelic mentalities are both infected with the same phisicalism, cutting off man from others’ subjectivity and from his own. The very humanization of man’s world is its re-personalization : instead to reificate the human world one ought to restore to things — even those inanimate — a full spiritual, interpersonal sense.
