Intergeneration Formulation of the Model Nations of Marriage and Family

  • Adamski


Founded upon sociological literature, the article attempts to present the changes revealed in the attitudes towards the family and marriage held by two gene- rations. The evolution of opinions and actual situations within the family is visible in acceptance and estimation of certain norms of behaviour within the marriage and family. The varying model notions result from the socio-historical background different for the two generations although there exist certain elements common for both the parents and the growing children, and due to the cultural continuity.

The gathered material permits the author to conclude that there exists one model of the marriage and family common for different generations and characteristic of the Polish society. In this model it is possible to notice only certain differences of opinions and notions expressed by particular generations and concerning chosen aspects of the model (stability of the marriage, sexual rights of the betrothed couple, birth control, number of offspring). This serves as a foundation of the future model of the marriage and family.
