Pedagogika egzystencjalizmu: jej założenia, cele i rola w rozwoju nauk pedagogicznych
The paper seeks to bring home to theorists and practitioners of education one of the branches of pedagogical thought, namely existential pedagogy. The main line of thinking in pedagogy can be defined in the following way: the point is to help people to overcome their banal existence and help them to choose a way towards authentic existence. Thus formulated watchword of this trend opens a new perspective on pedagogical thinking of great importance both theoretical and practical.
It is true that in the end of the 1960s the peculiar vogue for existentialism was in the wane. Nevertheless it brought about a vivid interest in philosophy, introduced a new approach in many domains of science, including pedagogy. Consequently, the reality of education and its planning could better be recognized.
By opening to what is non-verifiable, existentialism made it possible to seek after the sense of existence and education (interest in the noetic dimension), and to quest after a climate in which one could adopt an attitude of openness and overcome abstract categories (V. Frankl).
The very categories of existentialism are significant, starting with the category of „existence” (Lat. existere - take place, exist, appear, be outside, go towards). Owing to existentialism such categories as „freedom,” experience etc. have clearly received a dynamic dimension in pedagogy. The author points to existentialism as a branch of contemporary philosophical thought with which is connected its appearance in pedagogical thought. The author devotes much attention, within the framework of basic problems of existential pedagogy, to the tasks and objectives of education. He does this by turning our attention to the axiology of existential pedagogy, understanding of the educational relationship, the role of educator/teacher and pupil/student in the overall dynamism of the educational process. Then he goes on to outline an existential approach to the methodology of education and instruction.
By showing the main aspects of the existentialist trend in pedagogical thought, the paper may become a help in understanding not only how to approach the reality of education in the future, but also how to understand many ideas that have been imported to pedagogical thought by existentialism.
Undoubtedly, existentialism has contributed to the recognition of the role of human experiences and emotions in the formation of personality. This can also be seen as an important element in the formation of a society that is more capable of empathy, dialogue, reconciliation, and sensitivity.
It is especially valuable of existentialism that it has directed pedagogical thinking towards planning (in relation with the be-project idea) and the carrying out of plans in the future. They call for the climate of empathy, agreement, dialogue, and collaboration with others.
Existentialism has faced criticism, but has also won great popularity and recognition. At least some of these attitudes are illustrated in the paper. Generally, one can say that undoubtedly existentialism has had its role in stressing a living concrete anew in pedagogical thought. Among other things, it has contributed a lot to the issue of coming to terms between individualism and socialization, subjectivism and objectivism, solving these problems by way of compromise between the two kinds of opposition.
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