What Is Art: The Viewer’s Horizon


The presented statement is part of the volume it covers a variety of responses from people who interact with art in different ways. The aim is to suggest to the participant of the contemporary world a new, personal perspective to rethink what is this area of our world that we label with art; thoughts with and without theoretical suggestions - reflections by the creators and reflections by the audience, teaching humility and uniqueness, perhaps - forming a fresh perspective on art.


Block, Wiesław. „Wstęp” [Introduction]. In Zanurzony w pięknie. Efrem z Kcyni (1894-1970), kapucyn. Stanisław Klawitter. Materiały z międzynarodowego sympozjum zorganizowanego w 50. rocznicę śmierci artysty [Immersed in Beauty. Efrem of Kcynia (1894-1970), Capuchin. Stanislaw Klawitter. Materials from the international symposium organized on the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death], edited by Wiesław Block. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: Calvarianum, 2020.

Diat, Nicolas. Czas umierania. Ostatnie dni życia mnichów [Fr. orig.: Un temps pour mourir. Derniers jours de la vie des moines; A time to die. Last days of the life of the monks]. Translated by Agnieszka Kuryś. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sióstr Loretanek, 2021.

John Paul II. Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists. Roma: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999; Holy See, accessed November 21, 2022, https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/letters/1999/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_23041999_artists.html.

Kostecki, Dawid. „Prawda a Dobro, Dobro i Piękno [Truth and Good, Good and Beauty].” Civitas Christiana nr 1 (88), 2022: 30–32.

Pawlina, Krzysztof. Podarował Mi Ktoś Okulary [Someone gave me glasses]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sióstr Loretanek, 2022.

Rapacz, Rafaela, and Wiesław Block. Duchowość malowana pędzlem. Tablica świąteczna świętego Franciszka z Asyżu z kaplicy Bardich florenckiego kościoła Świętego Krzyża [Spirituality painted with a brush: Solemn plaque of Saint Francis of Assisi from the Bardi Chapel of the Florentine Church of the Holy Cross]. Kraków: Instytut Studiów Franciszkańskich, 2021.

Rodziński, Stanisław. Autoportret malarza [Painter’s self-portrait]. Kraków: Petrus, 2012.
