Conversion as a Source of Cognition. René Girard and His Mimetic Theory

Keywords: mimesis, sacred violence, Revelation, myth, biblical truth, dramatic theology, Raymund Schwager, René Girard


René Girard’s radicalism is provocative. One of the reasons for the epistemological difficulties with the reception of his theory lies in the fact that his anthropology requires a positive attitude towards the problem of conversion. The author himself experienced a double conversion in his life. While working on his first major work, he discovered in himself the same changes in the context of self-knowledge and truth that the authors of the novels he analyzed described in their heroes. A few years later, the experience of an existential crisis – a possible cancer diagnosis – led to religious conversion and a return to the church community. The article reconstructs the mimetic theory as a fruit of conversion experiences, comparing Girard to St Augustine.


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