International Conditions of the People’s Republic of China’s Attitude towards the Nuclear Program of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the 21st Century
The subject of the analysis are the international conditions of the PRC’s attitude towards the nuclear program of the DPRK in the 21st century. These issues are considered in three main aspects: political, strategic-military, and economic. China wants to solve the North Korean nuclear program because it causes many negative consequences for the Middle Kingdom. It is ready for international cooperation in this field with the international community. It actively engages in multilateral talks as well as participates in the international sanctions system. External factors, including activities of the DPRK, countries of the region and the US have a significant impact on China’s attitude towards North Korea. In Beijing, various strategies for action towards Pyongyang are being considered, but in principle they exclude the use of military power. For Beijing, it is important that the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula does not have a negative impact on the political, military and economic interests of China in the region and the world, and especially its position in strategic rivalry with the United States.
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