Arche – the Image of the French Online Education. (A Case of Teaching Polish as a Second Language at the University of Lorraine in Nancy

  • Monika Sitek University of Lorraine
Keywords: e-learning; glottodidactic; interculture; multimedia


The purpose of this article is to present the role of the French e-learning platform Arche in teaching Polish at the University of Lorraine in Nancy. In the first part I will present briefly the objectives and historical review of the platform Arche. Then I will attempt to characterize the profile of students choosing online classes of Polish language between 2009-2015. I will focus also on specific issues of Polish language teaching with the use of multimedia and platform especially for grammar and comprehension. At the end of the article I will present practiced ways of online teaching Polish at the University of Lorraine and proposals to improve the functioning of the platform and methods of teaching Polish.
