Decanal Conferences of Priests in the Diocese of Kielce in Interwar Poland
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 57 (2009), issue 2.
After Poland regained independence the role of priests’ deanery conferences gained more importance. Regular deanery conventions of the clergy positively influenced pastoral work, established order in it as well as unifying its goals and methods. They also played an important role in solving the problems of local priests concerning their living standards. The bishop appreciated the significance of deanery conferences, judging them to be an important element of the system of management and control of the diocese. In 1926, a diocesan director of pastoral conferences was appointed, his aim being, among others, to set subjects for discussion at such conventions. The conferences became an important instrument for finding out about priests’ opinions and their attitudes as well as for moulding them by the diocesan authorities.
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