The Society of Friends of the Catholic University in Lublin and Its Functioning in the Postwar Reality

  • Krzysztof Sychowicz Lomza State University of Applied Sciences
Keywords: Society of Friends of the Catholic University in Lublin; security apparatus; Church in Poland


The Society of Friends of the Catholic University in Lublin was set up in 1922 ( it was added to the register of associations on 1st December, 1922) in order to propagate the ideas of catholic universities and give support to the Catholic University in Lublin. It caused that secular people were implemented to preserve and intensify the religious culture. The Society was established in the period of the II Rzeczypospolita, it was the association mainly for alumnus but in the period after the war it was the only one organisation of social nature, giving support for the Roman Catholic Church in Poland. In the meantime, the Security apparatus was showing interest of the Society and its activity. The most cumulative moment of interference the communistic authorities into Catholic University in Lublin and the association connected with it was on the 1st April 1952 when the rector of the university priest Antoni Słomkowski was arrested. Different events were organised: weeks of Christian culture, sessions and symposiums; it was done to stop the brutal expansion of communism in Poland. Meanwhile and late, the funds were the main problem connected with functioning the Catholic University in Lublin. Thanks to the working the University in Lublin was able to outlast and continue its activity.


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