Local Authorities Party-State to the Catholic University of Lublin in the Years 1956-1989. Outline of the Problem

  • Konrad Słowiński The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Polish People’s Republic; Catholic University of Lublin; Lublin authorities of the partystate; higher education; Catholic Church


The main purpose of this article is to discuss the policy of the local authorities party-state failure to Catholic University of Lublin in the years 1956-1989. Catholic University of Lublin as a university private, independent from the influence of the communists, standing on the other side of the barricades as the institution of the enemy ideologically the reactivation of operations in 1944 It was doomed from the new authorities for various types of repression and at some point even the test liquidation. After a short period of peace which started after 1956., the local authorities have begun to take decisive steps aimed at weakening in the longer term even paralyze the functioning of the university. It was planned to achieve this among others, by closing the secular fields of study, getting rid of financial resources or blocking the appointment of academic staff. However, the intentions of the local party authorities do not always go hand in hand with the decisions by the falling in Warsaw. The central authorities because they were not convinced until the end to make its policy in relation to the Catholic University of Lublin reach for definitive measures, ignoring the suggestions from relevant in this regard with the lower levels of the party apparatus. In spite of the hostile policy of the local party authorities university has managed to not only survive in this difficult period but also over time to take action to enable its progressive development.


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