Comparative Analysis of Linguistic Terminology: Case of French and Polish Phraseology
The paper deals with the problem of the equivalence of meta-language used by French and Polish researchers in descriptions of phraseology. In a broader perspective, it is about comparing two scientific discourses (styles) formed in specialist environments which refer to different methodological traditions (various studies and concepts and analysis tools applied). There are several factors that make it difficult to find terminological adequacy in the source (L1) and target (L2) language. First of all, the current terminological lexicons differ in qualitative and quantitative terms (cf. fr. expression ou séquence figée, locution, unité polylexicale, tour, tournure, formule, expression idiomatique, collocation, mot composé, lexie, phrase figée, blocs lexicaux ; pl. związek frazeologiczny, jednostka frazeologiczna, stałe połączenie wyrazowe, idiom, frazem, zwrot, kolokacja, związek łączliwy, fraza). Additional differences concern the conceptual level due to the different categorization characteristic for different languages. It is also important to take into account the existing relationships between terms within a chosen linguistic theory as well as their functioning in the text.
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