The road to Golgota: The martyrdom of priests at Roses (Girona) during the Spanish civil war

  • Pablo de la Fuente de Pablo The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: Roses (Spain); religious persecution (1936); assassinations; Generalitat; Militia Committees


This paper is a study of seven assassinations of priests committed at the outskirts of Roses between August and September 1936. The first aim of the study is identifying the date and the exact place of the murders on the basis of a critical review of different archival records. The second is analysing the facts and finding common denominators of the crimes. And the third one is revealing the panorama of religious persecution inflicted by the republican authorities aimed at exterminating the Catholic Church in a methodical and systematic way. The conclusions present a few guidelines on further research on the topic.


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