The First Polish-French Rendez-Vous of Cultures. Henry III of France's (Henri de Valois') Polish Episode

  • Dorota Półćwiartek-Dremierre University of Warsaw
Keywords: dialog of cultures; Henry III of France; Desportes; Kochanowski; Ballet des Polonais; antiquity in the Renaissance; 16th century; Poland; France


A complex political game, differences in the level of development of the political, social and esthetic thought, different customs, and also frequently a language gap - all these conspired against the Polish-French dialog in the sphere of culture in the years 1573-1574. The article analyzes the opportunities for both parties to get to know each other during the Polish episode of Henri de Valois: a visit by the Polish group of envoys to Paris in the summer of 1573, and a poetical exchange between Philipp Desportes and Poles, including Jan Kochanowski, that closed the Henri period. The exchange, up till the recent times called univocally a “duel”, turns out to be, in the case of Adieu à la Pologne and Gallo crocitanti ἀμοιβή the starting of a real, albeit ephemeral dialog beyond the political and everyday reality, one on the level of the art.


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