Polish Language, Literature and Culture at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in the Years 1980-2014
The article presents the history of the Chair of Slavic languages and literature at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in the years 1980-2014. It describes the development of Polish studies from the time when Prof. Rolf Fieguth acceded to the chair to the present. The article refers to and in a sense continues (but without the scope) the history of the chair in Fribourg written and published by J. Starnawski in 1984. People connected with slavistics in Fribourg are evoked and its development and achievements are portrayed. The article has been written to mark the 125the Jubilee year of the University of Fribourg which marks as well the creation of the Chair of Slavic Languages and Literature.
Programme des cours / Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen, Fribourg 1899-2007.
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Skowronski S. de: Skowronski S. de, Les Polonais et l’Université de Fribourg: le camp universitaire des internés pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, Fribourg 1992 [niepublikowana praca magisterska, Fondation AHP we Fryburgu].
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