Some Manifestations of Violence in Venezuelan Theatre of the 1960s: La muerte de Alfredo Gris, Algunos en el islote and El Ordenanza by Rodolfo Santana

  • Olga Buczek Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: Rodolfo Santana; verbal violence; nonverbal violence; Venezuelan theatre; Latin American theatre of the 1960s


The aim of the study is to examine the functioning and significance of violence in the early works of Rodolfo Santana, a Venezuelan playwright. Using the method proposed by S.J. Albuquerque (Violent Acts: a study of contemporary Latin American theatre, 1991), we will analyze the verbal and nonverbal violence in the texts of Santana written during the 1960s (La muerte de Alfredo Gris, 1965; Algunos en el islote, 1966; El Ordenanza, 1966) with the view to examining its ideological level as well.


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