Models of sainthood in Piotr Hiacynt Pruszcz's Forteca duchowna Królestwa Polskiego (The Spiritual Fortress of the Polish Kingdom)
Starting from the end of the 16th century in Poland and in Europe numerous catalogues and collections of lives of saints were compiled that were supposed to promote the cult of native saints. Piotr Hiacynt Pruszcz in his The Spiritual Fortress of the Polish Kingdom described the lives and sainthood of 312 people who, in his opinion, enjoyed fama sanctitatis and could be models for others.
The protagonists of The Spiritual Fortress may be divided into two fundamental groups: martyrs, who proved their sainthood by their martyr's death, and confessors – people who realized the evangelical ideals in their everyday life.
Among the numerous martyrs three basic subgroups may be distinguished: those who died as result of prosecutions of the Catholic faith; missionaries killed when they preached God's Word, and martyrs who came into conflict with the lay authorities.
The second group, next to martyrs, is constituted by confessors. In Pruszcz's work we can find the model of bishop, the model of monk-ascetic, of a missionary, a benefactor, a princess, and finally the model of a married couple.
All the personal models contained in The Spiritual Fortress of the Polish Kingdom show that sainthood may and should be realized in one's everyday life by practicing prayer, asceticism and charity. The value of chastity is emphasized as well as of the virtue of poverty, of humility and obedience. Personal models were realized through various religious practices, like services connected with the cult of Christ's mysteries, services in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, and the Marian cult that is especially characteristic of the Polish spirituality.
The selection of personal portraits presented by Pruszcz reflected the ideological tendencies in the religious culture of Polish Baroque. The models did not exhaust the existing and obligatory models of people's attitudes and behaviors of the 17th century, but they were a proposal presented to the reader. Anybody could find a saint belonging to his state and to strive after salvation according to his model.
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