„…Somewhere behind ihe Curvature of the Earth”. An Exile Discourse in Zygmunt Haupt’s Correspondence – a Reconnaissance

  • Paweł Panas Institute of Research on Religious Literature, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Haupt; exile; correspondence; universalism; experience of a loss


The article is an attempt at a preliminary reconnaissance of the main elements constituting the issue of exile repeatedly occurring in Zygmunt Haupt’s work. The presented analysis is first of all focused on showing the sources of the originating discourse. To do this the writer’s letters to Józef Witlin and Mieczysław Grydzewski have been analyzed, as they are an extremely precious source concentrating both the author’s existential experience and the attempts he made to put it into the form of a narrative. The writer’s correspondence with the author of Orfeusz w piekle XX wieku (Orpheus in the Hell of the 20th Century) has not been published as yet, so the article also brings interesting discoveries connected with substance of the issue.
