Metal appliqué in the form of vestments with representations of founders

  • Przemysław Wojtacha The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: Polish Baroque; Baroque art of the 17th and 18th century; decorative arts; goldsmithery; apliqué in paintings; metal apliqué


The article depicts a votive character of a appliqué in the form of vestments, deriving them from the XVth century popular votive badges, which- according to the founders- were to be tokens of gratitude for the miracles and graces, as well as help to gain intercession expected by the founders. The author describes four forms of increasing of the appliqué in paintings. There are also four preserved metal appliqué with fundato representation shown here. They are presented chronologically starting from the appliqué from the painting of Mother of God from the monastery attached to the church of St. John in Cracow from 1683 (ilustr. 1-5), on the appliqué from the painting of Mary of God with an Infant from the church of St. Peter and Paul in Stare Miasto from 1773 (ilustr. 6, 7), the appliqué from the painting of Rosary Mother of God from the church of St. John the Baptist in Parczew from 1744 (ilustr. 8-10), and finishing with the appliqué from the painting of Mother of God with an Infant from church in the village of Ulan from 1758 (ilustr. 11-13).

The way of placing the founders in the lower part of the vestment was to provide them with protection ensured by the robe of Mary of God – a popular and widely used motif in the art of Polish Baroque.


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