Dance of Death by Mathew Merian the Elder from the Prince’s Collections of Waldburg-Wolfegg
Dance of Death series was created in 1616 by Matthew Merian the Elder (1593-1650). His drawings were based on the fifteenth-century paintings on the cemetery wall situated next to the Dominicans' monastery in Basel, Germany. The work of the artist was very popular and was published in six different editions also numerous copies were made.
Engravings discussed in this publication were from the prince's collection at the Waldburg-Wolfegg castle. The series consists of a introduction card, two initial graphics showing the preacher and orchestra of skeletons and thirty-nine engravings depicting people with different social status, occupation and age, each paired with death personification.
Dance of Death by Merian is a unique presentation that combines the ideas of late medieval dances of death combined with modern equivalents. It concerns the equality of all people when faced with death and the traditional procession of people accompanied by personifications of death. However, lists of participants is enriched with respected people as well as critical comments which refer to specific human behavior.
The main purpose behind those graphics was to educate and propagate knowledge. Over years it has not lost its importance and is still valid today. Numerous references done by artists to this series stipulates this fact. It was also an inspiration and illustration of human life impermanence and equality of all people faced with death.
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