Aspects of military captivity in the period of the Polish-Teutonic conflicts (1327-1332)

  • Andrzej Niewiński The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: prisoners of war; Wladislaw the Elbow-high; the Polish-Teutonic conflicts; 14 century; military captivity; losing and regaining


The aggressive policy of the Teutonic Order towards the Polish monarchy, which began with the Teutonic aggression on the Gdansk Pomerania region, led to a series of long-lasting military conflicts between the two states.

This article touches upon aspects of military captivity in the period of the Polish-Teutonic conflicts (1327-1332), that is in the late reign of King Wladislaw the Elbow-high. The peak of the conflict was the battle of Radziejowice-Płowce.

The presentation of the military conflicts in question focuses primarily on the issues of prisoners of war, especially on the cases of knights who were taken prisoners. The majority of them were murdered immediately. Others were given a chance of bail-out. The presented analyses of the source material (e.g. Wigland, Lites) show the political and economic aspects of losing and regaining freedom, which influenced the strategy of waging the war (on both sides of the conflict).


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