„Memory as the Foundation of Coexistence”. Władysław Panas' Semiotic Conception of Culture in Debate With Yuri Lotman's conception

  • Wiktoria Durkalewicz Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
Keywords: Władysław Panas; Yuri Lotman; memory; Other; semiotics of culture


This paper is an attempt at reconstructing and recontextualizing the semiotic understanding of culture and literature as a key aspect of the theory of interpretation by Władysław Panas. Special emphasis is put on the debate on this aspect in the context of Panas' analysis of the semiotic discourse proposed by the Moscow-Tartu school, presented in his book W kręgu metody semiotycznej [In the realm of the semiotic method]. According to Panas, the Moscow-Tartu conception has it that semiotics comes into being as a holistic, constantly developing text, as the “Other” struggling for his/her memory and for multiplicity of voices.
