Jews in Opatów in XVI-XVIII Centuries

  • Artur Lis The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Off-Campus in Stalowa Wola
Keywords: Jews; Opatów; kahal; polish-jewish relations; The Republic of noble; the old religion


First source mention about presence in Opatów four Jewish families comes from 1538 year. Right of settling in this private city the Jewish population got in privilege the Konstantyn Ostrogski from 1545 year. Opatów in second half XVI century was Jews the largest concentration in whole province sandomierskie. Jewish commune suffered particularly during "Swedish deluge” (1655-1660) as well as northern war (1700-1721). To frequent disputes among Polish population and Jewish it came during debating in Opatów of regional council of province sandomierskie. The financial dependence of Jewish commune from owners of city brought to limitation their rights. This is the stately thing of attention also, that Jews in Opatów belonged to common with Catholic craftsmen of guild. In XVIII century two synagogues functioned in Opatów, one stone build from XVI century, second wooden from beginnings XVIII century. It seems, that painting of life of this population in Opatów can be the perfect example of relations Catholic-Jewish in different cities of Rzeczypospolita XVI-XVIII century.


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