Between the Stage and Gallery of Paintings. On Jadwiga Pożakowska's Unaccomplished Stage Design Projects (On the Problems of Research on the Stage Designer's Work)

  • Anna M. Piechówka The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: screenwriting; stage design work; unaccomplished stage designs; stage design project; Jadwiga Pożakowska


The sketch “Between the Stage and Gallery of Paintings: On Jadwiga Pożarowska's Unaccomplished Stage Design Projects (On the Problems of Research on the Stage Designer's Work) is based on the writing of Jadwiga Pożakowska (1928-2006). It brings home to us one of the aspects of theatre research work on the stage designer's work concerned with this part of his output that includes his unaccomplished stage design projects. The first research are is composed by those stage designs which have not been staged. The second area consists of other stage design solutions, but they decisively go beyond the frameworks of introductory sketches. In the third area we have projects without any concrete theatrical order. They are treated as artistic challenges and struggles with a stage design theme as such. For each group of projects there are different basic contexts to analyse and interpret, the common are area being individual plastic thinking and the screenwriter's sensitivity. This sketch is also an attempt to restore the rank of unaccomplished studies that additionally shed light on the overall artistic output of their author.


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