Decanal Conferences of Priests in the Kielce Diocese in the Period between the Two World Wars

  • Grzegorz Bujak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: Kielce diocese; decanate; decanal conferences; Church administration; pastorate


After Poland regained independence the role of decanal conferences of priests became more important. Regular conventions of decanal clergy positively influenced pastoral work, introduced order in it, unified its aims and methods of work. They also played an important role in solving the local priests' problems concerning their living standards. The bishop appreciated the significance of decanal conferences, perceiving an important element of the management system and control of the diocese in them. In 1926 a diocesan director of pastoral conferences was appointed, his aim being, among others, to set subjects for discussion at priests' conventions. The conferences became an important instrument for learning about priests' opinions and their attitudes as well as for shaping them by the diocese authorities.


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