The Legend of St Adalbert and the Beginnings of Building the Church Structures As Seen by Marcin Kromer as well as by Marcin and Joachim Bielskis

  • Monika Krajewska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Marcin Kromer; Marcin and Joachim Bielskis; St Adalbert; organization of the Church; Piast dynasty


The article discusses the legend of St Adalbert and his role in the history of the Polish state. The saint's stay in the Polish lands and his death is presented on the basis of two Polish chronicles from the 16th century written by Marcin Kromer and by Marcin and Joachim Bielskis. They show a close relation between the person of St Adalbert and his death on the one hand and the beginnings of building the Church structures in the first Piasts' Poland on the other. The above mentioned works present the most significant events in the development of the Church in Poland after the country accepted Christianity in 966.


Abraham W.: Organizacja Kościoła w Polsce do XII wieku, Poznań 1962.

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Kromer M.: De origine et rebus gestis Polonorum libri XXX, wyd. Joannes Oporin, Bazylea 1555.

Kromer M.: Kronika polska, wyd. K.J. Turowski, Sanok 1857.

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