An Absent Narrator? The Structure of Narration in Debora Vogel's „Akacje kwitną. Montaże” („Acacias Bloom. Montages”)

  • Małgorzata Pater The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: narrator; self-thematism; Debora Vogel; creationism


For the author a polemics with the thesis concerning the “absence” of the narrator in Debora Vogel's novel Akacje kwitną. Montaże is the starting point for analysis of the narration structure of the work. The self-creating measures taken by the speaking subject, a distinct self-thematism and showing the very process of creating the novel world by means of proper techniques reveal the basic principle of the work's construction, which is the idea of creationism. At the same time these are manifestations of the experimental character of Vogel's fiction and of the peculiar game played by the narrator with the recipient with the use of tools typical of the novel.
