Truth as the Riconstruction of Person Value in Z. Herbert's Dramas

  • Wiktoria Durkalewicz Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
Keywords: Zbigniew Herbert; drama; truth in literature


The author begins the paper with the presentation of a new model of Herbert's dramas interpretation. This model has been analysed as the model of reinterpretation. Its main feature is the comprehensive grasp of the complicated Herbert's drama space. In the second part of the paper the author undertakes the interpretation of three dramas – Jaskinia filozofów, Rekonstrukcja poety, Listy naszych czytelników. He takes up the problem of the autonarrative model and points out its structural and functional peculiarities. The Self-narrative model is represented as the process of revealing the truth about the hero, his life and his self-value system.
