The European Diplomatic Conflicts about Gdańsk in the Napoleonic Era

  • Władysław Zajewski Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk
Keywords: Gdańsk; Napoleonic wars; Tylża treaty; diplomacy of the 19th century


The paper discusses the diplomatic manoeuvres about Gdańsk during the whole period of its position in the orbit of Napoleonic influences, i.e. in the years of 1807-1814. The author presented the endeavours taken by the empires: France, Russia, and Prussia for this territory. He also discussed in detail any steps taken by the representatives of the city on the political arena. They intended to ensure the best economic conditions possible for Gdańsk. After Napoleon's defeat in 1813, the city became a venue of political horse-trading between AlexanderI and the other members of the anti-French coalition. Also during the Vienna Congress there were some discrepancies between the main empires with regard to this issue.


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