Several Words on Bishop Władysław Goral

  • Cezary Taracha Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: the Church; the Lublin diocese; bl. Bishop Władysław Goral


The paper depicts some sources for the studies on the person of bl. Bishop Władysław Goral, an auxiliary bishop in Lublin in the period from 9th October 1938 till his arrest by Nazis on 17th November 1939. He died in the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen probably in April 1945 and beatified in the group of 108 Martyrs from the Second World War in June 1999. The decisive part of the paper is devoted to the echoes of the bishop's nomination and consecration in the local press. Four of the fives texts in the annex contain some announcements and reports on the consecration (9th October 1938) placed in the „Express Lubelski iWołyński”. A further part is devoted to a visitation that Bishop Goral had made in his family parish in Dys (8th May 1939). A protocol from this visitation is placed in the annex. The paper closes with some remarks on the correspondence of between bl. W. Goral and the Podlasie auxiliary bishop Czesław Sokołowski; the correspondence is accessible in the University Library of KUL.


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