Ozdoby celtyckie na ziemiach polskich

  • Monika Szpindowska
Słowa kluczowe: sztuka celtycka; Celtowie na ziemiach polskich; zdobnictwo epoki żelaza; ornamentyka celtycka


The author has presented and classified various types of ornaments used by Celts who inhabited the present territories of Poland from the beginning of the fourth century B.C. until the first decades of A.D. The ornaments have been divided according to the material from which they were made (metal, glass, sapropel, bone, and amber), for it was a material that imposed the form of an ornament and its decoration. The techniques that were applied then have been discussed, decorative motifs characters of various kinds of ornaments (clasps, bracelets, epaulettes, shin-guards, necklaces, buckles, rings, and pendants).
