On the Difficulties in Defining Legends to the Map of the All-Slavonic Atlas

  • Janusz Siatkowski University of Warsaw
Keywords: linguistic geography; dialectal atlas; dialectal vocabulary


The paper shows difficulties in defining the entries to some names with the meaning of “beak” (in the hen), depicted on map 57 of the second volume of the “All-Slavonic Linguistic Atlas.” I consider here some selected names. They all show phonetic variations which make us assume that we are dealing with various contaminations, or with an irregular development caused by other factors. Above all, I discuss the group of names of the starting forms zOb-e-tь, d=ь=Ub-etь, Dьlb-e-tь, and various derivative forms and the names Klju-j-e-tь, KLOV-e-tь, KlOV-a-j-e-tь and KljUK-a-j-e-tь. The capital letters signalize irregular changes, triggered sometimes by contamination. The explanations will allow the leader of the Atlas to understand intricacies connected with an attempt at the generalization of the inscription. The latter is concentrated on the lexical-morphological stratum and seeks to eliminate regular phonetic changes. This will help us to assess whether the arbitrary decisions were justified.
