The Living Word of Stanisław Vincenz

  • Mirosława Ołdakowska-Kuflowa


In the output of Stanislav Vincenz there manifests itself in various ways an interest in and a respect for culture. The vriter refers to the traditions and research having their origin in Romantism, which leads him to look upon the Greek heritage, especially Homer's poems, in accordance with the results of contemporary research on oral culture. The properties of oral composition may also become a key to the understanding of the structure of Vincenz's work of life, the tetralogy Na wysokiej połoninie. Making reference to many systems of belief, to various religions, cultures and customs is one of the indications of the fact that this work was assembled from ready-made elements, which is a property of oral production. By draving upon them, the writer creates the vision of the world as a great community of creatures living on friendly terms with each other, since all of them are on the way to the ultimate goal which is God. The person of Jesus and his redemptive role are on the top of this concept of reality, which is presented by the symbol of Good Shepherd which is crucial for the whole work.
