The Prelates of the Cracow Cathedral Chapter up to the Beginnings of the 14th C.

  • Bogdan Piec


The Cracow cathedral chapter was ultimately organized in the beginnings of the twelfth century. In the period up to the beginnings of the 14th c. there were recorded 6 prelacies in this chapter. Their precedence is the following: decanate, archdeaconry, provostry, scholastery, cantory and custody. Cracow prelates are mentioned by their names in the sources starting from 1166. In the period under discussion which embraces ca. 170 years there were 63 active prelates in the Cracow chapter. The territorial origin has been determined for 37 of them. This number constitutes 58% of the whole number (63) of prelates. The majority of them (29) came from Polish territories: from Little Poland (23), Silesia (4), Greater Poland (1), Masovia (1). Eight prelates came from abroad to Poland; the largest number (6) came from Italy. Among the Cracow prelates one can find representatives of the prince families. In total 25 persons have been established as coming from these families. The following were dominating: Odrowąż (3 prelates), Lubowlita-Ogniwa (3), Gryf (2), Pałukoza (2), Lis (2) and Zabawa (2).

The Cracow prelates were very well educated. At least 18 prelates studied at universities. This makes 28 per cent of all (63) prelates. They usually studied at Italian universities, especially in Bologna, Padua and Rome. Most of those who graduated from universities held the prelacy of cantor (5 persons in 13 are recorded in the sources, that is 38 per cent). The scholastics were also very well educated (4 out of 11 had university degrees, that is 36 per cent) and deacons (3 out of 12, that is 31 per cent). Archdeacons, however, were relatively poorly educated (4 out of 13, that is 31 per cent); the same goes with provosts (2 out of 12, that is 23 per cent).

In the period up to the beginnings of the 14th c. we come across relatively numerous commissions of prelates from a post to a post. In view of these 12 prelates (of the total 63) held more than one prelacy. This number constitutes 19 per cent of all prelates acting in the Cracow cathedral chapter up to the beginnings of the 14th c. Out of 63 Cracow prelates, 7 (11%) held the Cracow prelacy along with honors in other chapters.

10 prelates moved from the Cracow prelacy to bishopric. Most bishops (5) held earlier the prelacy of scholastics. Many bishops were recruited from deacons (4). The least number of bishops came from archdeacons (1) and provosts (1). As many as 8 persons who held prelacies in the Cracow chapter were also active at the political stage, holding various offices in the prince or royal chancellories. This number makes 13 per cent of all prelates active in the chapter during the period in question.

The prelates of the Cracow cathedral chapter who worked in Cracow up to the beginning of the 14th c. were all outstanding people. They fulfilled not only an important role in the life of the Church, but also took an active part in political and cultural life of the then Polish society.
